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Minds Eye Inc.

Welcome to Minds Eye Incorporated, the lead science/technology business in the world. Here we will delve into the deepest parts of your mind and take inspiration directly from your imagination. Pain is least common and the proceeds of the products produced from the process will be shared accordingly with the participants. The was company was founded by the brilliant scientist Dr. David C. Salem who believed in creating a better world. Our base of operations reside in our home town of Salem west of Gotham City. Our other branches are Salem tech which was started in honor of Dr.David C. Salem's achievements, there they create new science that will make the world safer from the harmful threats of the untamed metagene.

The Doctor hopes to one day help the metas become less destructive in their efforts through scientific research and improve on the well being of all life on earth. For now he uses the research of screening ones imagination into a visual manner to create more in little time hopefully getting to a future where there are no materials needed to be wasted on the creation of products. Especially with the partner company creating a new form of new and effecient energy through wind power. Take a tour of our lab by Monday, June 5th for a fee of $50 with an included tour of Salem Tech. and the viewing of new projects to come.